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Carolina Monteiro

CEO, Founder and Consultant. DVM, Ms

VetReport is a digital health start-up, founded by Carolina Monteiro that aims to use technology to improve and innovate reporting in Veterinary Medicine.


In 2005 the first version of VetReport was created, Carolina Monteiro, VetReport's founder had a thriving mobile ultrasound service, but pretty soon she felt overwhelmed by all the reports that were due, there seemed there weren't enough hours in a day to type them all and have a proper turn over time.
As the voice recognition software in her language wasn't good enough, reports had to be typed,  Carolina found that writing the report in a text editor, was many times repetitive work, as many animals had similar pathology presentations. Frustrated with this, she developed the idea behind the software, a structured form to do reports with base items and automatic texts, that could be editable, added and changed. And so the first version of VetReport was born, and it made a huge impact on her workflow, saving her time and delivering professional looking reports timely to her clients.

In 2020 she finally decided to make a commercialized version of VetReport, and after a long search, she found the right company to help her bring her concept to life and into this new era. Their amazing team helped her present to you this new and improved version of VetReport. 

​We are very excited about it and hope you will try it and see how it can help you to. 

​Off course, software is always evolving and while we are launching VetReport we already have a few more ideas to make it even better.


But we would love to hear about your user's input and your needs. So please start a trial and give us some feedback!


Diogo Real

COO - Chief Operations Officer

Diogo is our COO, or our "Jack of All Trades" as we like to call him, he makes sure all Backoffice operations run smoothly, creating operations and structure supporting the day-to-day delivery of Vet Report’s services to it's costumers. That typically means architecture, financial and accounting, invoicing, business processes, people management, etc.

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Aline Ramos

Veterinary Consultant

Aline is our new veterinary Consultant she is my right hand at demoing and supporting Vet Report in Brazil and Portuga A renowned Veterinary Sonographer in Brazil, Aline joined us in Portugal. She is now quite familiar with Vet Report’s platform and can help you with most your questions.  




Gosia Kilijanek

Veterinary Consultant

Gosia joined us for a short internship, and her sharp mind, outgoing personality, and friendly demeanor made her an instant fit with the team. With a keen interest in diagnostic imaging and a curiosity for all things veterinary, we knew we couldn’t let her go. We’re delighted to have her as our new Veterinary Consultant and a valued asset to Vet-Report.

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Andrea Abreu

Software Arquitect

LCG Consulting

Andrea is our new Software Arquitect and so far she has been amazing. Intelligent and extremely organized, she get things done, coordinating and streamlining communication between developers.

Andrea works with us through our partnership wih LCG Consulting.



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Tiago Ramalho

Software Arquitect

Tiago is Vet Report's original Arquitect, he was responsible for the conception, development and detailed planning of the software and service structure.


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Diogo Prado


LCG Consulting

Diogo is a wiz in data bases, always there if anyone need any help.

Diogo works with us through our partnership wih LCG Consulting.


Marco Alves


LCG Consulting

Marco used to be the freeshman of the team. Not any more, now he is deep embebed in the platform's arquitecture. Keeping is great enthusiasm and energy, no "Bug" will be left unsolved. 

Marco works with us through our partnership wih LCG Consulting.

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